Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Nirbija Samadhi Mean?
Nirbija samadhi is the highest state of samadhi, or spiritual bliss and Self-realization, in yoga and Buddhism. It is referred to in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras as the ultimate goal of Raja yoga.
Nirbija is a Sanskrit term that literally means “without seed.” Thus, nirbija samadhi is sometimes translated as “samadhi without seed.” This indicates a state of enlightenment, or spiritual bliss, that is arrived at spontaneously. To be in nirbija samadhi is to experience absolute liberation from the attachments and thoughts of the mind.
In contemporary yoga, nirbija samadhi is sometimes considered to be synonymous with the activation of kundalini.
Yogapedia Explains Nirbija Samadhi
Some describe nirbija samadhi in terms of dualism, as a non-dual state of consciousness. When a yogi enters this state, he/she has transcended all illusions of duality and has seen through all projections of separation.
The experience of nirbija samadhi is, therefore, said to be one where the mind becomes radiant and formless, entirely free from conditioning, projection and attachment. It is a state of spiritual oneness, where the mind entirely dissolves. There is no longer any distinguishing between the known and the knower, subject and object, or the seer and the seen.
Nirbija samadhi can also be described as the highest state of yoga and the embodiment, or end product, of all meditation.
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