What Does
Prayer Pose Mean?
Prayer pose is a centering pose in yoga often used as a routine part of the sun salutation series or as a transitional pose between other standing poses. This pose is often used at the beginning and/or end of a yoga practice.
While standing, sitting or squatting, the palms press together in front of the heart's center while allowing the shoulders to roll down the back and the elbows to rest at the sides of the rib cage.
Prayer pose is also known as pranamasana in Sanskrit.

Yogapedia Explains Prayer Pose
While standing, prayer pose is practiced with feet together in mountain pose, pressing palms together at the heart’s center while allowing the shoulders to roll down the back and the elbows to rest at the sides of the rib cage.
Individuals can also enter prayer pose from a seated or squat position. For seated (either cross-legged, legs out straight, or in lotus), bring hands together at the heart’s center, pressing palms together while allowing the shoulders to roll down the back and the elbows to rest at the sides of the rib cage. To practice in a squat position, from standing, slighting separate the feet more than hips’ width distance apart and bend the knees, sinking the hips down towards the floor, having palms meet at the heart's center and pressing together to align the shoulders.
During a yoga practice, prayer pose is used to center the body and mind by pressing the palms together and aligning the posture. It is also used as a meditative pose as it has a tranquil effect that helps to focus and deepen the breath.
Prayer pose is also useful in helping to align and strengthen the shoulders. When practiced in a squat position, this pose can assist in digestion and increase the flexibility of the hips.
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