Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Samatva Mean?
Samatva is an abstract concept in Hinduism that encompasses a state of equanimity, equality, indifference or uniformity. The term comes from the Sanskrit root word, sama, meaning "equal."
This concept is held in high regard in the Bhagavad Gita and it appears in a lesson that Krishna teaches about even-mindedness.
Yogis who want to achieve a calm and reflective state while meditating can reflect on the timeless concept of equality that samatva encapsulates. Yoga practice can also help bring the body and mind to a state of samatva.
Yogapedia Explains Samatva
In reaching this state of equality, a person is said to have overcome the transitory conditions of birth and death. It is also said samatva allows us to see the true equality of all beings, regardless of their current state.
Krishna references samatva when he says that success and failure should be treated alike. In doing so, an individual becomes indifferent to such ups and downs, thus, is liberated from them. He also says that enlightened beings see everyone in the same way, regardless of their outward appearance, because everyone possess the same essential Self, or Atman.
The Bhagavad Gita promotes Karma yoga as a means of coming closer to samatva. Because it promotes tranquility and stability through its asanas, it can help the practitioner achieve a state of equilibrium.
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