Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Kosha Mean?
Koshas are the five layers of awareness that veil the Atman, or true Self. Discovering each layer is believed to bring the individual closer to oneness with the universe and the true Self.
In Sanskrit, kosha means "sheath" or "covering." As such, the koshas are often called the five sheathes. The Upanishads describe the koshas as a system of five layers of awareness, starting with the physical body and moving inward to the core of the self.
The practice of yoga takes the individual deeper into the self through the koshas that make up one's being, thereby bringing one closer to the true Self.

Yogapedia Explains Kosha
Moving through the koshas has been compared to the act of peeling an onion or opening Russian nesting dolls. Like the dolls, the path of yoga moves progressively inward through each of the koshas.
As described in the Upanishads, the five koshas are ordered as follows:
- Annamaya kosha (food) – This outermost kosha feeds the physical body and sustains the other koshas. In yoga, asanas can affect this kosha by nurturing the body.
- Pranamaya kosha (energy) – This kosha regulates the flow of prana (life-force energy) through the body via the nadis (energy channels) and the chakras (intense points of energy). In yoga, both asanas and pranayama (breathing exercises) affect this kosha.
- Manomaya kosha (mind) – Manomaya is the kosha that contains and controls thoughts and emotions. Various aspects of yoga practice affect this kosha. For example, meditation and alternate nostril breathing can calm the mind.
- Vijnanamaya kosha (intuition) – This kosha is connected to a deeper level of intuition and inner wisdom. In yoga, meditation and meditative asanas affect this kosha.
- Anandamaya kosha (bliss) – The deepest layer, this kosha contains ecstasy, love and joy. Some traditions refer to this layer as the true Self, while others believe this kosha opens the door to the true Self.
Some traditions also refer to two additional “universal” koshas: cittamaya (consciousness) and atmamaya (Self or Atman).
During These Times of Stress and Uncertainty Your Doshas May Be Unbalanced.
To help you bring attention to your doshas and to identify what your predominant dosha is, we created the following quiz.
Try not to stress over every question, but simply answer based off your intuition. After all, you know yourself better than anyone else.