Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Garudasana Mean?
Garudasana is a standing pose in which the yogi twists one arm with the other and one leg with the other. The term comes from the Sanskrit words, garuda (“eagle”) and asana (“pose”).
Begin in mountain pose then cross the left thigh over the right thigh and hook the left foot behind the right calf, knees bent. The right elbow is then placed into the crook of the left elbow as the palms of both hands come together. Repeat on the other side.
Garudasana is also referred to as eagle pose in English.

Yogapedia Explains Garudasana
In Hindu mythology, Garuda is the king of birds, who is a vehicle for Lord Vishnu. The term evokes the regal, bird-like stature of the pose.
Eagles are considered powerful and impressive because they can fly for so long without stopping and they do so by “riding the wind.” Similarly, garudasana requires the yogi to ride the energy of the pose and remain in the present moment rather than resisting it. The physical balance required for the pose aims to center the spirit by balancing dual forces such as feminine and masculine, support and power, and motion and stability.
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Eagle Pose