

Last updated: December 21, 2023

What Does Shrim Mean?

Shrim (or shreem) is a shakti bija mantra chanted to invoke the feminine divine energy (shakti). The syllable is derived from the Sanskrit, shri, meaning “splendor.” It is the bija, or "seed," mantra of Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of abundance, wealth, beauty and grace. Reciting shrim is believed to promote these qualities.

The mantra, shrim, is believed to activate the ajna (third eye) and sahasrara (crown) chakras, both spiritual energy centers. Ajna is associated with intuition and inner knowledge, while sahasrara is the connection to the Divine and the Higher Self.


Yogapedia Explains Shrim

Shrim can be added to a yogi’s own personal mantra to enhance its effects. It is said to help increase prana, boost concentration and develop positive personal qualities. The shrim mantra is considered particularly beneficial for women, due to its links with Lakshmi, though it can be used by anyone who would like to bring more feminine energy and power into their lives.

In Ayurveda, shrim is considered a kapha mantra for health, fertility and happiness, and is used to calm the mind. It is recommended for those with an excess of vata or pitta dosha in their body and mind because it helps to calm heat and movement, and bring about softening, nurturing qualities instead.

Shrim is also connected with lunar energy and, as such, is associated with femininity, receptivity and surrender. Some say repeating shrim as a mantra is ideal for evening practice because of its relaxing and releasing effects. It is said to help promote better sleep and may even encourage conscious dreaming.

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