Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Pelican Pose Mean?
Pelican pose is an intermediate balancing twist that is a one-legged variation of revolved chair pose. This asana requires leg and core strength.
Beginning in chair pose, press the palms together in prayer position in front of the chest with the elbows out to the side. Twisting from the waist, place one elbow outside its opposite thigh, then raise the other foot off the ground. The gaze is forward.
In Sanskrit, revolved chair is known as parivrtta utkatasana. Pelican pose is also sometimes called revolved chair with one-leg balance.

Yogapedia Explains Pelican Pose
Pelican pose has most of the same benefits of revolved chair as well as benefits common to balancing postures. They include:
- Strengthens and stabilizes the knees and ankles
- Promotes physical and mental balance
- Improves focus and concentration
- Strengthens the quadriceps, core muscles, hamstrings and glutes
- Improves spinal rotation
- Improves digestion and stimulates the internal organs
- Stretches shoulders, chest, quads, hips, Achilles tendons and wrists
Yogis who have knee, back, shoulder, ankle or wrist injuries or high blood pressure should skip pelican pose.
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Revolved Chair With One-leg Balance
Revolved Chair Pose With One-leg Balance