Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
One-Legged Stretched Out Scorpion Pose Mean?
One-legged stretched out scorpion pose is a challenging yoga posture and inversion. In this posture, the body is supported on the forearms, with the hips lifted over the shoulders, the torso in a backbend and one leg extended out in front, while the other is bent. This is an advanced posture in yoga for it requires considerable strength, balance and flexibility. It can be very challenging for beginners due to the proprioception and courage required to attempt the inversion. A variation supported by the wall may be more appropriate for beginners.
One-legged stretched out scorpion pose may also be referred to by its Sanskrit name eka pada paripurna vrschikasana.

Yogapedia Explains One-Legged Stretched Out Scorpion Pose
Some of the many benefits of this very challenging pose include:
Improves balance
Strengthens the muscles of the core, shoulders, arms and back
Opens the chest and heart area
Promotes spinal flexibility
One variation of the one-legged stretched out scorpion pose is to perform the same posture in a handstand rather than a forearm balance. One-legged stretched out scorpion pose can also be modified by placing the front foot on a wall or working with both feet over the head and the knees bent.
Good preparatory postures for this posture are dolphin pose, cobra, camel pose, wheel and forearm balance.
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One-Legged Full Scorpion Pose