Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Padayoragram Drishti Mean?
Padayoragram drishti is a Sanskrit term that refers to the practice of focusing one's gaze on the toes. In Sanskrit, pada means “feet” and drishti can be translated as “gaze,” “eye” or “seeing.”
Drishtis are the points of focus used during asana practice and sometimes meditation to provide an anchor for the awareness. By focusing on a particular drishti, such as padayoraram, the yogi is able to reduce any distractions, improve their concentration and enjoy better balance, mindfulness and awareness in the posture.
Yogapedia Explains Padayoragram Drishti
Padayoragram drishti is most commonly used for seated forward folds, such as paschimottanasana, seated forward bend, janu sirsasana, or head to knee pose. In these postures, padayoragram helps with the alignment of the posture as it encourages the lengthening of the spine in the forward fold. It also enhances the introspective, calming energy of the posture.
The Ashtanga Yoga system emphasises the importance of drishti being used throughout the asana practice, and teaches that there are nine possible drishtis. These include nasagra, the tip of the nose, urdhva, upwards or towards the sky, ajna chakra, between the eyebrows, and hastagram, to the hands or fingertips.
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