
Parivrtta Kapotasana

Last updated: December 21, 2023

What Does Parivrtta Kapotasana Mean?

Parivrtta kapotasana is an intermediate hip-opener with a twist, creating an even deeper stretch of the hips and pelvis than the standard version of kapotasana. From Sanskrit, parivrtta means “revolved” or “twisted”; kapota means “pigeon”; and asana means “posture” or “pose.”

From kapotasana, the forearm that is opposite of the forward leg is placed on the mat in front of the shin. The body then twists away from the grounded arm, and the upper arm reaches around the back, resting on the waist or hip or grasping the big toe of the forward leg.

In English, parivrtta kapotasana is known as revolved pigeon pose.

Parivrtta Kapotasana


Yogapedia Explains Parivrtta Kapotasana

For an alternate hand position, they may be placed in prayer position with the fingers pointing to the chin and the elbow of the lower arm resting in the arch of the foot of the forward leg.

In addition to its physical benefits, parivrtta kapotasana is believed to activate and balance several of the chakras. As a twisting pose, it opens the manipura (navel center) chakra, which is associated with transforming power, self-esteem, motivation and confidence. The manipura also helps control anger and gives a sense of purpose.

As a hip-opener, parivrtta kapotasana opens the muladhara (root) and svadisthana (spleen or sacral) chakras. The muladhara is associated with a grounding influence and a sense of safety and stability. The svadisthana is associated with creativity and sexuality as well as a sense of wellness, pleasure and joy.

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