
Sunbird Pose

Last updated: December 21, 2023

What Does Sunbird Pose Mean?

Sunbird pose is a basic balancing pose from a kneeling position that lengthens the spine and strengthens the core muscles.

From tabletop pose – kneeling on the knees and hands with the back parallel to the ground – extend one arm forward at shoulder level and the opposite leg back at hip level.

The name of this pose comes from a reddish mythological bird called a chakravak (sunbird) that would appear at sunrise, bringing warmth and light. In Sanskrit, this pose is called chakravakasana. It is also sometimes referred to as balancing table pose.

Sunbird Pose


Yogapedia Explains Sunbird Pose

In addition to the benefits for the spine and core muscles, sunbird pose:

  • Improves static balance
  • Strengthens the arms, wrists and shoulders
  • Improves posture
  • Increases focus and concentration
  • Strengthens the gluteus muscles
  • Stabilizes the pelvis

A similar pose that provides more of a balancing challenge and engages the core more intensely is extended cat pose (utthita marjaryasana) in which the corresponding arm and leg are extended rather than the opposites.

Yogis who suffer from knee, shoulder or wrist injuries should skip sunbird pose. To reduce the pressure on the balancing knee, a blanket may be placed underneath it.

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Extended Ruddy Goose Pose

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Sun Bird Pose

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