What Does
Revolved Head-to-Knee Pose B Mean?
Revolved head-to-knee pose B is an advanced variation of the basic head-to-knee pose with the addition of a spinal twist and a variation of the leg position.
From staff pose – seated with both legs extended forward – the yogi moves into head-to-knee pose B. One leg remains extended while the other leg bends with the foot drawn under the body so the perineum rests on the heel, then the upper body folds over the extended leg while revolving to face the bent leg. In the full expression of the pose, the back of the head rests on the knee and the arms reach overhead to grasp the foot of the extended leg. Depending on the depth of the twist, the gaze is forward or toward the sky.
Revolved head-to-knee pose B is also known by the Sanskrit name, parivrtta janu sirsasana B.

Yogapedia Explains Revolved Head-to-Knee Pose B
There are several other variations of revolved head-to-knee pose, each with different leg positions:
- Revolved head-to-knee pose A – both legs can extend in a wide angle or one leg folds with the sole of the foot resting against the opposite inner thigh.
- Revolved head-to-knee pose C – one leg bends as in the B variation, but the foot rests against the inner thigh and twists so that the toes face down and the heal faces toward the sky.
- Revolved head-to-knee pose D – the legs extend in opposite directions (one forward and one behind) as in a split, then the lower section of the back leg lifts. One hand grasps that foot and gently pulls it to the buttocks.
Revolved head-to-knee pose B is believed to have these benefits:
- Stretches the hamstrings, hips and oblique muscles
- Improves circulation to the spine
- Opens the chest and shoulders
- Stimulates digestion and the abdominal organs
- Calms the mind and relieves fatigue
- Eases insomnia
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