What Does
Bhujanga Nag Mean?
Bhujanga Nag is the Hindu snake god. From Sanskrit, both bhujanga and nag translate as “snake” or “serpent.” The term used depends on the region. For example, central India tends to use nag while western India uses bhujanga. Naga refers generally to a class of deity or entity that takes the form of a serpent, particularly a demon-serpent.
The city of Bhuj in Gujarat in Western India was sacred to Bhujanga Nag where, today, there is a temple in his name.
Yogapedia Explains Bhujanga Nag
According to local Hindu legend, a fortress on a hill just outside Bhuj belonged to the Naga clan. The last of that clan, Bhujanga Nag died in battle, so the temple was built to honor him. Some legends say that Bhujanga Nag was the brother of Sheshnag, who was ruler of Patal. He is also said to have liberated the Kutch district from rakshashas and demons.
Although Bhujanga Nag has more regional significance, worship of snakes is widespread in Hinduism. One of the most popular is Nag Panchami. Held in summer, this festival centers around the worship of snakes and snake deities.
Yoga also honors snakes and snake deities in asana practice, the most noted of which is bhujangasana (cobra pose). From a prone position, the yogi placed his palms under his shoulders and, keeping the belly on the ground, lifts the head and chest, arching the back and neck.
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