Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Tree Pose In Handstand Mean?
Tree pose in handstand is an advanced inversion that requires upper body strength and balance.
The pose can be practiced as a simple handstand, with the body in complete alignment and both legs pointing to the sky. For a fuller expression of the pose, the legs can be in tree pose position, with one leg pointing to the sky and other leg bent with the sole of the foot touching the inner thigh.
Tree pose in handstand is also known by its Sanskrit name, vrksasana in adho mukha vrksasana.

Yogapedia Explains Tree Pose In Handstand
As an inversion, tree pose in handstand expands the lungs, reduces heart strain and increases blood flow to the brain. The pose has these additional benefits:
- Strengthens the core muscles
- Calms the mind, thereby reducing stress
- Strengthens the shoulders, arms and wrists while improving balance
- Builds confidence and increases focus
Until mastering the pose, yogis can practice against a wall to help with balance. Yogis with high blood pressure, heart conditions, eye conditions or injuries to the wrists, shoulders, arms, neck or back should skip tree pose in handstand. Pregnant yoginis should also avoid the pose.
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Tree Pose in Downward-Facing Tree Pose