
Where can I mediate?

By Jennie Lee | Published: July 8, 2016

Ideally, we should carve out a sacred place and time for daily meditation. Having a special spot where you set up a comfortable seat and some inspirational items helps to create a foundation for your practice. You will find that, over time, even a corner of a room that is saved especially for meditation, begins to be charged with the energy of meditation, which is felt as peace and tranquility when you sit there. Just like the kitchen or bedroom of your home holds certain energy based on what activities happen there on a regular basis, so will your sacred meditation space. (Learn more in How to Create an Ashram Vibe in Your Home.)

That being said, meditation is so important that whenever and wherever we feel called to meditate, we should do so! I have had lovely spontaneous meditations in nature. Sometimes when hiking, I’ll take a break at the top of the mountain and just sit quietly for a few minutes in meditation. Also during stressful work days, I have taken meditation breaks in my car – not while driving, of course! You can pause anywhere to tune in to your Higher Source of guidance. (Learn more in 7 Steps to Take Your Meditation Practice to the Next Level.)

Meditation is a practice that we carry with us, a sort of portable paradise, that we can dip into anytime we need to re-center and clear the dust of the outer world. Where we choose to do this is not as important as the devotion and focus we bring to the practice. If you begin with a regular space and time at home to establish a routine that works for you, then it becomes easier to take it “to go.” Start by experimenting with what seating works best for your body. Some people are comfortable cross-legged on the floor, but many prefer a chair. The most important aspect of posture is a straight spine for proper energy flow, so sit where and how you can make that happen with comfort and ease. (Learn how in Effective Seated Postures for Meditation.)


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Written by Jennie Lee | Author of Breathing Love and True Yoga. Certified Yoga Therapist with 20 years experience.

Jennie Lee
Jennie Lee is an author and Certified Yoga Therapist with 20 years experience teaching Classical Yoga & Meditation. Author of Breathing Love: Meditation in Action and True Yoga: Practicing with the Yoga Sutras for Happiness and Spiritual Fulfillment, she is a compassionate coach for students who want to apply the deeper teachings of yoga to their goals and challenges on and off the mat. Her writing has been featured in Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, Yoga Therapy Today and more. She coaches on the island of O'ahu, and by phone or Skype internationally.

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